Advance convergent and transformative practices through supporting the artist-scientist partners to collaboratively produce their artwork that conveys scientific messages for display at Explora! as a part of the Annual Resilience Colloquium.

- Create and test methodology for catalyzing convergent STEAM collaborations
- Assess the impact of STEAM collaborations on participant self confidence and inclusion in profession,
- Engage with the general public in scientific conversation through exhibiting the resulting art at Explora, a local children’s science museum in Albuquerque, NM. In future years, and with the artist-scientist teams’ permissions, we will look to rotate the exhibit to other locations, such as schools, public libraries, or on-site with community partners.
Charter Summary:
Shared.Futures is a SciArt collaborative where we bring together Albuquerque metro area scientists and artists interested in interdisciplinary collaboration and transformative futures through an annual five month fellowship program to communicate scientific perspectives through artistic mediums to showcase what our shared futures can look like. Fellows are paired in artist-scientist teams and work collaboratively to create sci-art. This program seeks to inspire future generations of leaders who are excited to collaborate across traditional disciplinary boundaries. We hope these current and future leaders will help answer the call for creative and technical approaches to tackle grand challenges such as climate change. Rather than focus on the future in a catastrophizing way, the scientists and artists of Shared.Futures acknowledge the existing and potential challenges and simultaneously also offer ideas and visions for a hopeful future. From January through May, fellows meet once a month to build skills in science communication, storytelling, and more. During this time, the artist-scientist pairs also craft their sci-art piece with mentorship and support from the Shared.Futures collective. Sci-art teams will also create an interactive activity to engage youth in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics). The workshop culminates in a final sci-art exhibit at Explora Museum in Albuquerque, NM.
Primary Contact
- Yolanda Lin (UNM)
- Marisol Meyer-Driovínto (UNM)
- Ashley Apodaca (UNM)
Community Partners
- Tybur Casuse Driovínto (City of Albuquerque)
- Lisa Hurst (In Search of Solid Ground Photography)
- Explora Science Center & Children’s Museum