Institutional Lead
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Earth and Environmental Science
Arid region fluvial geomorphology and watershed hydrologyBio:
Daniel Cadol is an Associate Professor of Hydrology at New Mexico Tech. He is a hydrologist with research interests at the intersection between ecosystems and the hydrological cycle. This includes the study of the hydraulic effects of vegetation in flow, sedimentation and scour around vegetation, controls on the rate and temporal distribution of water extraction and use by plants by means of evapotranspiration, and the transport and fate of vegetative material such as large woody debris and post-fire debris within the fluvial network. It is easy to observe that the distribution of vegetation is largely controlled by the distribution and flow of water; plants need water to live. Less obvious, but equally fascinating, are the ways that vegetation turns around and alters the distribution and flow of water. The resultant feedback mechanisms between the two, as vegetation alters its environment and either limits or promotes its own opportunities for expansion, can lead to the emergence of complex, and sometimes counterintuitive, behaviors and landforms.